Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Hello Knitters

Welcome to Knitty Me's first post! I really owe my love of knitting to my friend Andrea who encouraged me to learn after I admired a shawl/poncho she was working on...and then wore a couple days later. This knitting thing is a miracle, I thought.

Andrea recommended Stitch Cafe in Studio City as a place to get some pretty yarn. First I walked into the the tailor shop next door and said to the nice man from the old country, "Hi...I'm looking for...yarn?" (he silently pointed to the yarn in the next shop). After finding the correct door (you know...the one with the Stitch Cafe sign next to it...), I was greeted by Stitch Cafe co-owner Lisi who must have recogized the lost look on my face and said, "Hi! Want to learn how to knit?!", I picked out two colors of a super-soft baby Alpaca yarn. And so began my love of knitting. Here's my first project, a scarf:

I have since lost the two darning needles required for making those hanging pieces of yarn disappear...must remember to buy more.

And here is what I am currently working on:

It is a less expensive and smaller version of Sublime's 'wrap':

1 comment:

Verona said...

Nice blog! Great story! I would love to visit this store for my frequently yarn store reviews. The link you provided was nice.

I'm knitting some 40 years almost and still haven grown tired of it.
